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  1. it smells sweet.

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    woke up at 1120am this morning and then suddenly i wanted to eat indomie. haha! i was leaving home at 12pm so i quickly cooked and ate it up in less than 5 minutes.

    awesome stuff!

    i haven't had it in quite a while. so totally missed it. now i miss maggi goreng even more. the one from maju maju, from lorong and the occasionally nice ones at melur plus ayam goreng. yumss!

    uni today was pretty normal.

    i just came out from the toilet doing something i've never done. i dropped my pendant in the sink so i had to open the pipes and all that to get my pendant back. plus it was stinky water... ))): so not fun!

    thank god i got my cross and idontrememberhowmanyzeropointzerosomethingcaratofdiamond is on it which i bought from japan (:

    tomorrow will be staying out at MA right till monday. but should be back to blog cause i am bringing my baby with me. so yea..

    i now officially love red rock deli chips! the sea salt and balsamic vinegar is good (((: i wanna try the other flavours too!

    one downside, it's bad and fattening to eat so much chips. nouu... )): i don't want to catch up on someone's weight )):

    hehe but for tonight, i'll finish up the remaining packet first. worry bout the rest later.


    with love,

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