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  1. its cold and nice.

    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    the rain.

    i love looking out at the rain. everything that was dark and gloomy becomes bright and chilly after the rain.

    i love after rains. its soft and touchy. the wind that blows is chilly.

    but i hate thunders. it destroys the mood. it brings out the moody part of me. i guess in everything in life, nothing comes happy in every single way.

    there has to be something i love but yet come with something i hate.

    its my off day today. i had all the sleep i can because i had the trouble of falling asleep this morning.

    as much as i want to say it all out. i cant.

    i hate this. but i love you. seeee... its always.. ALWAYS like that. i just had it shared out a little to a friend i just known for a year.

    hope by telling things out, i hope it works.


    talked to yao yun too. maybe she is right.

    i tired of caring soo much already. there wasnt even a point. no one bothered. as she said, i shouldnt stress myself up anymore since i've tried anyway.

    it does feel better after telling it to someone that knows me well enough.


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