had a funny dream yesterday night which had all of my friends in it. can't really remember what but they were in it. which made me miss everyone so much! ): everyone who is not here in melbourne...
went to uni early in the morning and was done with class by 230pm.
my first instagram photo post. ((:
at that point of time, i was convinced by qihong to start instagram and i was in lectures. sooo yea.. had to take picture of my lecture. haha!
on my way back i finally satisfied my Chatime cravings. heheh! Passionfruit QQ. yumms!
dinner for the past two days had been very early. before 630pm, dinner is done and in my stomach. haha which explains why i just munched down some cracked peppers biscuits with a can of tuna. hehe =D
tomorrow will be over in clayton till monday as usual. and dinner dating with teck wei tomorrow night (: can't wait! even have an outfit picked out for it.
tho it wasn't like plan for and its just from scoopon and given by aunty D, but we hardly go down to the city and eat together just the two of us. so yea.. i is looking forward (((:
i am heading off to bed now. really tired today. today hasn't been the best days. ):
my hair is so long right now.. thinking of curling the bottom when i get back to malaysia. or more like waving it up. buttttt still deciding cause i also love it when its straight..! aiyoyo... haha
love mustardy yellow and turquoisy green <3
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