you are still my sunshine.
lets just say i am soo hoping for my phone to ring. why does whenever i really hope and wish for something, i just wont get it?
my day was dull. waking up at 2.30 pm, waiting for my stupid connection to get connected, screening through channels on astro yet still cant find something to watch, eating, trying on my old cheongsam and finally i get to go online. :D
as usual reading blogs and downloading shows. and also reading my old blog posts.
my day is still dull.
when i read back my posts, i've noticed how much i've said about going over to Melbourne. i am leaving in less than 2 months. its a good thing that my dream is fulfilled but.. i am leaving.
i've really said this before meh? "its like leaving everything you love and like behind somewhere far". its true anyway.
i am leaving you, you, you, and a whole lots of other people. dont get me wrong, i am really looking forward to continue my studies there. but i just dont like leaving people behind.
the four letter word. life. quoted FROM tim.
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