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  1. it all relates and means to me.

    Wednesday, June 03, 2009

    i want a garden wedding. simple and lovely.

    there it is. the last episode if season 6 of one tree hill. it is that one show that i watched from form 1 up to now. its been 6 years. the one show that made me tear so much and yet love it so much.

    the season wouldnt have ended in another way. it was good. really really good. i shall hope for somemore but i heard the new season wouldnt have Chad and Hilarie because they didnt sign the new contract. ): the show would be different without them.

    relationships on screen are always better than reality. the love between Haley and Nathan it just beautiful, supportive, with all their hearts. and the sudden love between Brooke and Julian was expected yet cute. lastly, Lucas and Peyton's ending couldnt have been better. touching, lovey. the example of dreams and wishes would come true.

    all this is just part of why i love the show so much. call me a crazy fan but whatever. its hard to find people these days that loves this show. well... at least none of the people close to me likes it.

    there goes my off day. waking up at 2 pm, bathing for an hour, boiling sausages for late lunch, watching two episodes of one tree hill, chatting and soon going to fold the clothes stacked on my couch.

    after that maybe dinner with mum and cousin, watching tvb dramas on aod, chatting and onlining all night and then sleeping a 3 oclock in the morning. pretty much expected already.

    by far, only one person made such an impact in my love life. someone i would remember so much in the future but yet we will be the best of friends. someone that i could mention about it the future and have jokes with on how i was so attached to him.

    i know from years to come, i will have you in my life as the friend that you've always had been to me. a good friend that will be there with me throughout my greatest moments in my life. i dont want our friendship to just end or be cold and unentertained to after i leave. you have to always be there whether is it physically or mentally. remember that.

    i guess what i learned from the season finale is that, at your weakest and darkest moments in your life, only true friends will stay there for you. it works whether it is on screen or in reality.

    watching Brooke and Peyton being the bestest friends they could, it reminds me of my best friend. eventhough we may not be seeing each other every single day or talking or gossiping or going shopping together, i guess we know that we will always be there for each other. and cherly, i believe that nothing will change in years to come.

    one tree hill makes me emo. (:

    lets hope work will be fine tomorrow since there will be another new guy working. Matthew. i only work well with guys somehow. i dont know why but thats a known fact.

    with love,

    msuic addiction : Kate Voegele - Sweet Silver Lining

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