its getting better. but the pain is still there. i hoped it will be fully recoverd by saturday. the pain is making me moody and i dont want it to ruin my holiday.
i had good friends nagging at me to rest and eat. i had good friends that asked me to exercise more and stretch my back muscles.
i had good friends who wants to come and visit me and bring me something nice. and i also had good friends that wants to come and visit me but didnt have the car to come over.
i thank all of you! (:
my mum is getting worried because of my back. she kept asking me to make sure i am fine. uncle and cousin have been calling and asking about my back.
i am fine. its just the pain which is bothering me. i am still capable of walking.
i came across something today which cheered me up. i never expected but it did happen. thank youuuu. (:
even the thought of it is making me smile like a little girl looking at candies.
i feel the sudden pain again. its time for food then medications. i dont know what to have for dinner. i think its gonna be maggi for me.
ciao people~!
music addiction : Justin Timberlake - Magic
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