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  1. cny barbeque party.

    Friday, February 06, 2009


    exactly a week ago post. was at shelaine's house for a barbeque party. along with jia shen, cherly, jack, hong jiun, chun kit, keng yew, wey liam, hau yang, kar mun and xindi.

    kar mun.


    and again.

    chun kit and me.

    my sifu cause he thought me how to play the rubik's cube.

    the chef of the day. keng yew.


    shelaine, xindi and kar mun.

    chun kit.


    hau yang.

    awww.. how sweet~ the gift from the boyfriend. since when jia shen was that nice and sweet huh? ahaha!

    that pretty much sumed up what happen that night.

    sher xoxo.
    music addiction : 因为爱所以爱 - Nicholas 谢霆锋

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