it had been a rough weekend. well... it started off pretty well by me going back to my hometown for a weekend to celebrate the mooncake festival as i wasnt actually back there since chinese new year i guess. or probably not but i know i havent been back for a while.
going back is equivalent to good food, good rest and also more free times.
had my first driving without my instructor and also a kancil. and i did pretty well. it wasnt an auto but i had fun with a manual. won 4 bucks on mahjong. well.... i havent been winning much for some time.
the first day started off real well. staying up till 3 with the companion of my laptop and my movies. it was my only partner at 1 in the morning. everyone was too busy in their dreams. and also i had some other person to sms with but... after like 4 messages, he fell asleep. i dont know why, i just love talking to him. makes me feel not me.
unfortunately, i had a rough night. i couldnt sleep well and my nose failed me. terrible flu the whole night and also means terrible breathing problems that night also.
took abit too much of my inhaler and over dosed myself. yeah.... you know, all the trembling and fast heartbeats. that sort of thing.
mum had been trying to get my butt of the chair to get me to a doctor but i told i was fine which i know i wasnt but you know... the keep her of worrying about me.
i really thought i didnt have to visit a doctor because i havent blacked out yet. i was still surviving. but it was to the extend that i would really pass out on myself.
the breathing was bad. i could hardly feel myself anymore. i thought i was going to have my first pass out in my life. even a simple walk from the hall to the kitchen made me feel like i was floating on the floor.
not to say, up the stairs and to the room to get my stuff, my heart was about the beat out of my chest and air just dont seem to get in.
but after while of cooling myself down, i felt better. could at least still walk myself out to the car to come back home. in the car, i still had the time to sms lim qi hong to check out on him.
got home, and i knew i wasnt able to make it to college the next morning. college means stairs. stairs means a near black out. i better not take the risk.
so i was home the whole day after a visit to the doctor.
and now, i happily blogging without feeling a single problem. asthma had always followed me throughout my life. and i am sure i will make i through dont matter what.
after all, there are plenty of stuff that i wouldnt let myself leave behind. and alot other things that i didnt have a chance planting my fingers on. so yeah... i am fine and will be fine.
i dont need another person to get involve in my life anymore. she left you a sms to tell you that i wasnt feeling well and all you said was "i didnt receive the sms".
well... let me tell you this, pal?!, these are all plain bullshits. if you think you deserve my respect towards you, give me some respect as well. dont expect me to acknowledge who you are when you walk in my front door and act as though you were this noble fella that done nothing wrong.
and fyi, you dont earn my respect towards you. you are just equivalent to a nobody in my life. so live with it... pal?!
i know its just words but it is a piece of my mind.
youu, maybe it is time to just let go. but i still can bear letting youu go just yet. the feeling of youu in my sight, brought me twiching in my heart.
yours truly,
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