my first lecture was electronic systems. i tell you ahhh it was so pack. the whole lecture theatre was full. and there were more locals as in aussies or i would say white people than any asians in there.
i saw this guy kinda cute. and he just stand out cause he was wearing a liverpool jersey. the same as mine but his is long sleeve.
i have lectures till 5.30 pm today. then meeting cherly at flinders cause she coming over to my place tonight then tomorrow we will be going highpoint cause we both don't have uni tomorrow.
okay now a slight recap on what happen for the last two days.
saturday, we went for a movie at chadstone. me, yao yun, jia shen and cherly. we watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
but jia shen and cherly didn't i guess. i've always like shows like this. it is interesting to me. call me a kid or whatever, shows like this will always get my attention.
and logan lerman is cuteee..
as you look at him longer, he looks cuter. looks abit like zac efron though. how come i have never seen him anywhere before at all. hmmm...
yesterday, i went to ikea to get my table. initial plan was to meet aunty doris there at 3 something then jia shen called and said he is bored so might as well meet up with him for lunch.
had lunch at ikea. meatballs. ((((: then went shopping with him for my table and cherly's mirror and a shoe rack.
aunty doris only came at 5 something and picked us up and sent us to melbourne central as i was meeting victor and yen for dinner and jia shen left for home from melbourne central. mana tau yen couldn't make it. so only me and victor had dinner together.
ate italian at lygon street.
it was not bad. finally got to catch up with him after so long. i'll be seeing him on wednesday cause i have to reenrol myself into the SMSA club.
i made it home to watch Bones! heheheee!
i am now like catching it every single week cause i don't feel like downloading as it is already showing on tv.
yesterday's episode was funny!
the funniest scene to me.
and mind you, david boreanaz seriously very hot lo. if you watch bones, you'll like his character. funnay!
had to fix my table before i sleep. it was tiring. cause i had to like skru in stuff when there are no holes. annoying betul. i slept at almost 1 am i think.
and had to wake up at 7 am this morning cause i have to leave the house by 8 am.
oklaaaa... i go first. i am having lecture in 15 minutes.
much love,
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