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  1. hmmm okay...

    today, started off with 2 hours professional skills tutorial then 1 and the half hour eating at sushi sushi and walking along glenferrie road then another 2 hours of electronic systems lab.

    i sat at the level 1 of EN building and streamed american idol on my iphone then i was off for home.

    came home, washed some clothes which is now still hanging outside and changed my bedsheet.

    finally i got my hands onto grey's anatomy. and also brothers and sisters. ((((: thanks to julian. he allowed me to access into his hard disk and grab some shows.

    i haven't watch the downloaded episode 13 of 90210 yet. i will in a while. :D

    oklaaaa... i shall go on with my movies then. (((:

    yay tomorrow will be out with the girls for shopping! yay! and thai food for dinner? ooooo... :DDD


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