me and qi hong*
where are you looking la dicky?
chun kit, dickson and qi hong* me and jenny*
it was soo good to catch up with qi hong, chun kit, dicky and jenn hsen. ever since qi hogn got back from ns i never see him ler. apart from having a glance of him in taylors la. i mean seeing properly cause at that time i was in a rush to go and get my results.
chun kit lagi teruk. i forgot to wish him happy birthday when he was in ns. omg i m sooo sorry!! and i claim u as a good friend. shit. and even i see dicky in college sometimes we dont talk soo much.
met up with jia shen, mun hoe, sean and wey liam in kim gary. talked for a while.
tim was in pyramid too with some friends so i ask him to come find us. so we met up in front of FOS. we were talking soo loud until everybody was staring at us. cherly and chun kit talked like quarelling like that. tell me la, who dont look? all of them say tim lanc already. made him feel damn bad. but just joking only la. birthday boy*
hottie alert right in the middle*
wey liam called and say that they are waiting at the bowling alley. mana tau all also like dont want to bowl so ended up go archery. they are all actually not bad. except for that dickson dont know how he shoot until can patah balik and hit the tv. the girl beside also scared of him already. liam also not bad la hor. then he showed me the picture of whatever he had drawn. omg his drawing damn nice la. very real.
had alot of laughters that night. something which i didnt have for some time. the laughters with them. <3
don't be upset la ok? everything will be fine. i am sure. its not worth it. so forget about the past and think about what is coming up and make the best out of it. i will be here for you no matter what. don't think so much as i know you'll go through it greatly cause you are a tough boy. =) love ya!
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